The B-APP offers useful features including B-CLOUD integration
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Remote access via B-CLOUD
The B-APP provides remote access to BAUER systems via the B-CONTROL MICRO control unit. Users can view the real-time status of the BAUER compressor or the B-DETECTION PLUS gas measuring system on their smartphones or tablets. For additional information and technical requirements of the B-CLOUD, please visit or refer to the respective technical data sheets.
Technical requirements for remote function via B-CLOUD
The remote connection from the B-APP is established via the B-CLOUD.
To use B-CLOUD, you need a system with B-CONTROL MICRO +net control with software version 3.73 or higher. Older systems from version 3.0 can receive a software update and thus become B-CLOUD compatible.
When you switch on your control, the current software version is displayed. This allows you to check whether your system is compatible with B-CLOUD.
At present, the following BAUER systems are B-CLOUD ready:
- B-DETECTION PLUS s & m (gas measurement system)
- Air-cooled large-scale systems (K22-K28)
Subject to technical changes